

Love, you see, is nothing new.  It’s been happening to you

Every day of your life.


Baby powder on your cheeks;  Measles for at least two weeks.

Mom was feeling the strife.


Muddy boots on a clean floor;  A clean bandage on a sore.

Eating up home-made bread.


Grandma makes a Teddy Bear;  Handle it with loving care.

And we’ll call him Ol’ Fred.


A new pair of high-heeled shoes.  It’s Dad waiting up for you

With a frown on his face.


Caring for one special man;  Saving for a wedding band

Wearing Mom’s wedding lace.


Love’s a baby on the way.  It’s a lavender bouquet

Given by a young heart.


It’s a visit from the kids;  Showing them a Katydid

And then having to part.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

©Lynnette Schuepbach, 1973